Terms and conditions Please also see our privacy policy for more information about use of information and data security. Use of online forms These are provided as an easier way for patients already being seen or treated by the service. They should not be used for diagnostic purposes and they do not replace competent clinical …
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Introduction The pandemic has had a dramatic effect on the whole of the NHS, but it has also affected the availability of services for OCD. Not only that, but the nature of the pandemic will have had effects on many people with OCD; particularly those with contamination obsessions and cleaning compulsions. In this article, I …
Read more Delivering treatment for OCD during a pandemic
Introduction People sometimes wonder how severe patients being seen by a specialist service are. The following is a description of the severity of symptoms that individuals seen by the AIS present with, based on a relatively large sample of patients seen over the last 14 years. Demographics The data come from 81 patients seen between …
Read more OCD severity in people seen by the AIS