About the Advanced Interventions Service
The Dundee Advanced Interventions Service is a specialist service providing: intensive treatment for OCD; specialist assessment and treatment for treatment-refractory depression (TRD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); and neurosurgical treatment for mental disorder. We became a National Service in 2006.
We are a National Specialist Service, which means that we are one of over 85 national services in Scotland, receiving funding directly from the National Services Division (NSD) of NHS Scotland. Referral, assessment, and treatment have no additional costs to NHS Boards in Scotland. This works because monies for specialist services are 'top sliced' from money given to NHS Boards by the Scottish Government. NHS Boards in Scotland have already paid for the National Services and clinicians do not have to apply for extra funding in order to refer to them.
The service is 'hosted' by NHS Tayside and is based at Ninewells Hospital & Medical School in Dundee. This means that we are managed within NHS Tayside, although funding for the service is external. We are not an NHS Tayside service per se but all management functions, clinical governance, financial management, and reporting is provided by NHS Tayside.
Operational Frameworks
You can download our Operational Framework below.
OCD pathway
The operational framework for our OCD pathway is below.
Neurosurgical pathway
The operational framework for our neurosurgical pathway is below. Please note that the pathway is under continual review and the rating scales listed refer to the 'core' set. Please contact us for the most up-to-date information about clinical assessments.
Service Level Agreements
The SLA for the service sets out the aims and objectives for the service and is agreed with commissioners (NSD) on a 1-3 year basis. It describes how the service is set up and outlines the expected levels of activity. The SLA also describes the NHS systems and medico-legal framework that the service operates in. It also establishes the reporting and financial arrangements agreed by the service.
Many SLAs may have a 'DRAFT' watermark. This is because the final (signed) SLA is typically a paper document. It is unusual for there to be major changes.
SLAs for recent years are listed below.
Last Updated on 26 March 2024 by David Christmas