How to find us
Travelling to Ninewells Hospital by car
Directions can be obtained via Google Maps or any other maps service. Please be aware that the postcode for our postal address (DD1 9SY) should not be used for SatNav.
If you are using a SatNav, you must use this postcode: DD2 1UB.
You can find us using the interactive map below. If you want to use Google Maps to plan a route, please use this link.
Travelling to Dundee by train
Dundee has direct services to Newcastle, York and London, and to Carlisle, Preston, Coventry, Birmingham, Oxford, Bristol, Reading, Southampton, Bournemouth and Plymouth. Journeys to other major cities in Scotland (Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow) take approximately 1 1/4hrs, and the regular service from London King's Cross takes only six hours.
The railway station is a short taxi ride from Ninewells Hospital & Medical School.
Train times, pricing, and bookings can be found from National Rail or Trainline.
Parking at Ninewells Hospital
There's no doubt that parking has become busier in recent years. Although there are several car parks for visitors, people often have frustrating delays in being able to find a space. All we can suggest is that you try and leave some extra time for finding a space. The available car parks are:
- Car parks 5 and 6 are for patients and visitors only and have a four-hour time limit.
- Car parks 1, 2, 9 and the multi-storey are for patients, visitors and staff.
If someone else is driving you then they can drop you at the main entrance, find a space, and catch up with you after you've arrived. We are usually happy to wait until they've arrived. Please phone is if you think that you are going to be late.
Fortunately, parking at Ninewells Hospital is free for all visitors and staff.
An overview of the Ninewells site is shown below. Click on the image for a larger version.
Once you get to Ninewells...
We have assumed that you will be coming in via the main entrance. Once you arrive:
- Come straight through the main concourse (Level 7) from the Main Entrance. Walk straight to the back of the main concourse past the shops on your left, past the food shop to your left and the waiting area on your right.
- Go through the double doors at the Spiritual Care Centre, which will be on the right.
- Go down one floor via the stairs or the lift. Then follow the signs for the Advanced Interventions Service, which is on Level 6.