Ninewells Hospital & Medical School, Dundee, DD1 9SY


The WHODAS 2.0 is a scale developed by the World Health Organisation to measure difficulties caused by any condition. It measures the effects of a disorder on someone's ability to do everyday things. It consists of 36 questions.


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Date / Time
This questionnaire asks about difficulties due to health conditions. Health conditions include diseases or illnesses, other health problems that may be short or long lasting, injuries, mental or emotional problems, and problems with alcohol or drugs.
Think back over the past 30 days and answer these questions, thinking about how much difficulty you had doing the following activities. For each question, please complete one response.

Understanding and communicating

In the past 30 days, how much difficulty did you have in...
D1.1 Concentrating on doing something for ten minutes?
D1.2 Remembering to do important things?
D1.3 Analysing and finding solutions to problems in day-to-day life?
D1.4 Learning a new task, for example, learning how to get to a new place?
D1.5 Generally understanding what people say?
D1.6 Starting and maintaining a conversation?
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